AdvancedFormationUI: Don't use this. Ever.
aiBreakAtStart: if defined, breaks the XS Debugger at the start of main().
AIRenderOpportunities: Turns on special rendering for the opportunity array.
Airfields: Enable airfield support.
aiShowBPValueText: shows the Building placement values over each position.
AIStatementsAsChat: make AI Prompts that are statments show up as chats instead
AIvsAI: If defined SP RM games will make player1 an AI.
alignResources: aligns resource placement in the editor.
alphaObscuredUnits: render obscured units with alpha on.
alphaObscuringUnits: render obscuring units with alpha on.
AlwaysActive: If defined, the game will remain active even when it doesn't have focus
AlwaysPlotSquads: Turns on continuous squad plotting for debugging. Don't use this. Ever.
alwaysUseEasyDragMilitary: Selects military units and leaves other units unselected in a drag select.
AttackNotificationAlpha: Attack notification alpha.
AttackNotificationDist: Attack notification size.
AttackNotificationTime: Attack notification time.
AutomaticFormationDestDecalTimeout: How long the formation destination decal stays onscreen.
AutomaticFormationOutline: Controls how selection outlines are displayed.
AutomaticFormations: Don't use this. Ever.
AutomaticFormationSelection: Don't use this. Ever.
autoPatchFile: autopatch file name
autoPatchMaxPacketSize: autopatch max download packet size
autoPatchRetryCount: autopatch retry count
autoPatchRetryDelay: autopatch retry delay in milliseconds
autoPatchURL: autopatch URL