XS Command-帝国时代3修改圣典

XS Command

[(bool  )] xsAddRuntimeEvent( string foo, string bar, int something ): Setups a runtime event.  Don't use this. 

[(int   )] xsArrayCreateBool(int size, bool defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named boolean array, returning an arrayID. 

[(int   )] xsArrayCreateFloat(int size, float defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named float array, returning an arrayID. 

[(int   )] xsArrayCreateInt(int size, int defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named integer array, returning an arrayID. 

[(int   )] xsArrayCreateString(int size, string defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named string array, returning an arrayID. 

[(int   )] xsArrayCreateVector(int size, vector defaultValue, string name): creates a sized and named vector array, returning an arrayID. 

[(bool  )] xsArrayGetBool(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. 

[(float )] xsArrayGetFloat(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. 

[(int   )] xsArrayGetInt(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. 

[(int   )] xsArrayGetSize(int arrayID): Gets the specified array's size. 

[(string)] xsArrayGetString(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. 

[(vector)] xsArrayGetVector(int arrayID, int index): Gets the value at the specified index in the requested array. 

[(int   )] xsArraySetBool(int arrayID, int index, bool value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. 

[(int   )] xsArraySetFloat(int arrayID, int index, float value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. 

[(int   )] xsArraySetInt(int arrayID, int index, int value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. 

[(int   )] xsArraySetString(int arrayID, int index, string value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. 

[(int   )] xsArraySetVector(int arrayID, int index, vector value): Sets a value at the specified index in the requested array. 

[(void  )] xsDisableRule( string ruleName ): Disables the given rule. 

[(void  )] xsDisableRuleGroup( string ruleGroupName ): Disables all rules in the given rule group. 

[(void  )] xsDisableSelf( void ): Disables the current rule. 

[(int   )] xsDumpArrays(): blogs out all XS arrays. 

[(void  )] xsEnableRule( string ruleName ): Enables the given rule. 

[(void  )] xsEnableRuleGroup( string ruleGroupName ): Enables all rule in the given rule group. 

[(int   )] xsGetContextPlayer( void ): Returns the current context player ID. 

[(int   )] xsGetFunctionID( string functionName ): Runs the secret XSFID for the function. USE WITH CAUTION. 

[(int   )] xsGetTime( void ): Returns the current gametime (in milliseconds). 

[(bool  )] xsIsRuleEnabled( string ruleName ): Returns true if the rule is enabled. 

[(void  )] xsIsRuleGroupEnabled( string ruleGroupName ): Returns true if the rule group is enabled. 

[(void  )] xsSetContextPlayer( int playerID ): Sets the current context player ID (DO NOT DO THIS IF YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING). 

[(void  )] xsSetRuleMaxInterval( string ruleName, int interval ): Sets the max interval of the given rule. 

[(void  )] xsSetRuleMaxIntervalSelf( int interval ): Sets the max interval of the current rule. 

[(void  )] xsSetRuleMinInterval( string ruleName, int interval ): Sets the min interval of the given rule. 

[(void  )] xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf( int interval ): Sets the min interval of the current rule. 

[(void  )] xsSetRulePriority( string ruleName, int priority ): Sets the priority of the given rule. 

[(void  )] xsSetRulePrioritySelf( int priority ): Sets the priority of the current rule. 

[(float )] xsVectorGetX( vector v ): Returns the x component of the given vector. 

[(float )] xsVectorGetY( vector v ): Returns the y component of the given vector. 

[(float )] xsVectorGetZ( vector v ): Returns the z component of the given vector. 

[(float )] xsVectorLength( vector v ): Returns the length of the given vector. 

[(float )] xsVectorNormalize( vector v): Returns the normalized version of the given vector. 

[(float )] xsVectorSet( float x, float y, float z ): Set the 3 components into a vector, returns the new vector. 

[(float )] xsVectorSetX( vector v, float x ): Set the x component of the given vector, returns the new vector. 

[(float )] xsVectorSetY( vector v, float y ): Set the y component of the given vector, returns the new vector. 

[(float )] xsVectorSetZ( vector v, float z ): Set the z component of the given vector, returns the new vector.