强制设定游戏难度极难(专家级) 打开决定版安装目录Steam\steamapps\common\AoE3DE\Game\AI\aiMain.xs 该方法也适用与亚洲王朝,安装目录\AI3\aiMain.xs 然后直接在void main(void)添加aiSetWorldDifficulty(4);
// Includes. include "core/aiCore.xs";
//============================================================================== /* main This function is called during the loading screen before the game has started. Some stuff isn't initialised yet at this point so we must account for this. */ //============================================================================== void main(void) { aiSetWorldDifficulty(4); aiEcho("Main is starting");
// Set our random seed, "-1" is a random init. // Very important that this is done early so we can use our rand functions. aiRandSetSeed(-1);
// Analyze the map, create area matrix. We call this here and not in analyseMap because // it's very important this is done early and the arrays might need it. kbAreaCalculate();
// Initialise all global civilisation specific unit types. (g****Unit variables) initCivUnitTypes();
// Create the global arrays. initArrays();
// Set up all variables related to game settings and type. analyzeGameSettingsAndType();
// Set up all variables related to the map layout, excluding our starting units. analyzeMap();
