

cheems发表于 2024-5-16 23:53:39
こはね发表于 2024-5-17 20:41:41
こはね发表于 2024-5-17 20:46:34
测试无果在谷歌搜索的参考资料:https://www.reddit.com/r/aoe3/co ... ilization_tutorial/
New Civilization Tutorial
I want to debunk the myth that it takes months to create a new civ. It takes days. If you have the art files for the nation's flags, homecity button, water flag, then you can create a civ. Art files and Sound files are important too when you want to choose the units available for the civilization.


I cracked the code on how to get new civs working, and it took me 2-3 days to get Italians and Swedish Civilizations playable with Homecities:

Step 1:

Copy an Existing Civilization from Civs.xml to the bottom of Civs.xml, but above minor civilizations (starting with Aztecs).









Second, add 4 Language Strings in the randommapstringsy file, 2 for Homecity and Explorer name, 2 for Civilization name and description. The display name and rollover name number must match that number in the language file.



	<String \_locID ='150615' symbol ='cStringCivNameYourCivHere'>YourCiv</String>

<String \_locID ='150616' symbol ='cStringCivRolloverYourCiv'>Earns Home City Shipments faster. Best units: Uhlan, Halberdier, Musketeer.</String>

<String \_locID ='150617'>Homecity Name</String>

<String \_locID ='150618'>Explorer Name</String>


Then Age0Tech for your civ, and Post-Industrial and Post-Imperial Techs.

<Tech name ='Age0YourCiv' type ='Normal'>





<Tech name ='PostIndustrialYourCiv' type ='Normal'>







<Tech name ='PostImperialYourCiv' type ='Normal'>







Be sure to have the flag icon available for your civ for the Water Flag, Flag on top of Buildings, and Homecity Flag Button in civs.xml.



Post-Industrial Techs and Post-Imperial Techs must match name in Techtreey:




Homecity Flag Buttons in civs.xml:






Hero Regeneration:










This constitutes the basics of a civ. To create a single player homecity copy and paste an existing single player homecity, then edit:



<name>Homecity Name</name>

<heroname>Explorer Name</heroname>


Export an existing Homecity.xml from Data3.bar and rename it to Your Civ homecity.



Name and Heroname must match that number in the Language String file.

Add the cards you want by studying other homecities, and add them in the right x and y coordinate places to have fun!

Enjoy your new civ!

  • cheems : 感谢大佬解释
  • cheems : 大佬有什么思路嘛
  • こはね 回复 cheems : 沒有
  • cheems 回复 こはね : 这才看到手机打字回复表情会被吞 大佬我是想实现新加一个地图上的原住民土著 能盖贸易战产兵的那种
  • こはね 回复 cheems : 这个不难,但是很麻烦,需要有编辑地图经验
こはね发表于 2024-5-29 01:07:42