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AoE3DE Comprehensive Data Guide

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AoE3DE Comprehensive Data Guide ProtoUnit and ProtoAction Data
ProtoUnits (protoy.xml)
● Legacy
- DBID: Sets the DBID for the ProtoUnit. Used for Post-Game and MP stat collection. It’s a good practice to assign a unique DBID for every new protoUnit, even though it’s not required for proper game functionality.
- Icon: WPF path for unit icon, relative to Data\wpfg.
- PortraitIcon: WPF path for unit portrait, relative to Data\wpfg.
- MinimapIcon: Path to minimap icon texture, relative to the Art folder.
- MinimapColor: ProtoUnit minimap colour. Takes RGB colour parameters, which expect floating point values in the [0.0, 1.0] interval.
<MinimapColor red='1.0000' blue='1.0000' green='1.0000'></MinimapColor>
- MinimapShape: If set to 1, the minimap indicator becomes smaller if protoUnit is under the fog of war. Unused, but still functional. Original intended purpose unknown.
- MinimapSize: Size of minimap indicator. Defaults to 2.0, if not set.
- AnimFile: Path to protoUnit animfile, relative to the Art folder.
- PlacementFile: Path to protoUnit placementRules file, relative to Data\placement rules.
- DisplayNameID: String ID for protoUnit displayed name.
- EditorNameID: String ID for protoUnit displayed name in Scenario Editor listing.
- RolloverTextID: String ID for protoUnit long rollover.
- ShortRolloverTextID: String ID for protoUnit short rollover.
- WorldTooltipStringID: String ID to be used for the persistently displayed world tooltip. Appears to be intended to be somehow used in the Grand Conquest game mode or in some sort of tutorial mode, different from the one in the retail release. Unused, but still functional. Requires WorldToolTip protoUnitFlag to be set for proper functionality.
- ClassNameID: AoM Leftover. String ID for protoUnit class to be displayed in long rollover. Unused, but still functional.
- GoodAgainstStringID: AoM Leftover. String ID for protoUnit “Good Against” text to be displayed in long rollover. Unused, but still functional.
- BadAgainstStringID: AoM Leftover. String ID for protoUnit “Bad Against” text to be displayed in long rollover. Unused, but still functional. - MaxHitpoints: ProtoUnit maximum amount of hitpoints - InitialHitpoints: ProtoUnit initial amount of hitpoints.
- LOS: ProtoUnit Line of Sight.
- MaxVelocity: ProtoUnit base speed value.
- MaxRunVelocity: Appears to be protoUnit maximum speed for running,either when triggered through trigger effects or through extra speed gained through performing attack actions with the SpeedBoost flag set. Used in calculations that define when Jog and Run anims should be used by the unit.
- MovementType: Defines which terrains the unit can move through.
- TurnRate: ProtoUnit turning/rotation rate.
- BatchTrainNumber: Unused and deprecated. Original purpose unknown.
- UnitAIType: ProtoUnit UnitAI type. Used for auto-attack behaviour, target selection, and other features related to overall unitAI handling.
- InitialUnitAIStance: AoM leftover. Defines the initial stance for the UnitAI (Aggressive, Defensive, Passive or StandGround). Likely overridden by SquadMode data.
- PopulationCount: ProtoUnit population count.
- SubCiv: Restricts the training of this protoUnit to being allied to a particular minor civilization, or to a Native Settlement belonging to the specified minor civilization. Binds the unit build limit to a multiple of the alliance level towards the defined minor civilization and the number of Trading Posts built over Native Settlements belonging to it.
- TrainPoints: Total amount of time in seconds required to train protoUnit.
- Cost: ProtoUnit cost. Takes one parameter, resourcetype, which sets the resource type for each entry.
- CostEscalation: Multiplicative factor to be applied over protoUnit’s cost for every instance of the same protoUnit queued or in the map. Unused, but functional.
- ScoreValue: ProtoUnit contribution to player score when trained or built. If set, overrides default value calculated from the cost.
- InitialResource: Initial amount of resources carried by the unit. Takes one parameter, resourcetype, which sets the resource type
<InitialResource resourcetype='Food'>50.0000</InitialResource>
- InitialXP: Unused and deprecated.
- CarryCapacity: Maximum amount of resources that can be carried by the unit. Takes one parameter, resourcetype, which sets the resource type. For units that don’t carry resources, sets the resource types it’s allowed to gather from when performing a Hunting action.
<CarryCapacity resourcetype='Food'>500.0000</CarryCapacity>
- GathererLimit: Maximum number of units that can gather from this unit at a given time.
- BuilderLimit: Maximum number of units that can build this unit when at foundation state at a given time.
- ContainedSpeedBonus: Unused in AoE3 Legacy. In AoE3DE, defines how much each garrisoned unit contributes to its speed. Applied linearly.
- ObstructionRadiusX: ProtoUnit obstruction radius in the X axis.
- ObstructionRadiusZ: ProtoUnit obstruction radius in the Z axis.
- ObstructionRadius: ProtoUnit obstruction radius in both X and Z axes. Unused, but functional.
- FlattenTerrainExpand: Appears to define the additional radius by which the protoUnit causes the terrain to be flattened, when placed as a building.
- AllowedHeightVariance: Maximum elevation height variance allowed over the area where the protoUnit is to be placed.
- WanderDistance: Wandering distance value used by huntable herds.
- BuildPoints: Total amount of time in seconds required to build protoUnit, when working at a 1.0 Work Rate over the Foundation.
- BuildingWorkRate: Work rate value used by training, researching and maintaining (auto-spawn) actions.
- IdleTimeout: AoM Leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- BoredTimeout: AoM Leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- RechargeTime: Recharge time used by Charged Actions/Abilities.
- CorpseDecalTime: Unused and deprecated. Original purpose unknown.
- CorpseDecayDelay: Delay time in seconds before decay ‘sinking’ happens after unit death.
- Lifespan: ProtoUnit lifespan.
- Decay: Defines the delay time and the duration of decaying fadeout. Takes two parameters, decay and duration.
<Decay delay='0.0000' duration='2.0000'></Decay>
- PopulationCapAddition: Amount of population capacity to be added to player’s population once protoUnit is fully built.
- DeadReplacement: ProtoUnit to be placed upon destruction.
- BuildReplacement: ProtoUnit that replaces originally placed unit once it’s fully built.
- Footprint: Unused and deprecated.
- BuildLimit: ProtoUnit build limit.
- MaxContained: Maximum number of garrisoned units allowed.
- ProjectileProtoUnit: Projectile unit to be used for ranged attack actions that do not explicitly define a projectile unit. Unused by common ranged units, but functional.
- ResourceDecay: Resource decay rate for dead herdables and huntables.
- SocketUnitType: Unit type where the protoUnit can be placed over, serving as a socket for the unit.
- SocketOffsetX: Offset for socket placement in the X axis.
- SocketOffsetZ: Offset for socket placement in the Z axis.
- AutoAttackRange: ProtoUnit auto-attack range.
- ResourceSubType: ProtoUnit resource subtype. Used for defining the gather cursor and by resource tasking code.
- CreationFadeTime: Unused and deprecated. Original purpose unknown.
- ProjectileSpinPeriod: Spinning period for projectile protoUnits. Causes projectiles to spin at the set period when shot. Unused, but functional.
- HeightBob: AoM leftover. Causes the altitude of flying units to slightly oscillate by periods of time while idle. Takes two parameters, period and magnitude. Unused, but likely functional
<HeightBob period="6.0000" magnitude="2.0000"></HeightBob>
- PartisanType: Partisan protounit to be spawned upon building’s destruction, if partisans are enabled in the current civilization. Unused, but functional.
- PartisanCount: Amount of partisan units to be spawned, if PartisanType is properly set and partisans are enabled in the current civilization. Unused, but functional.
- Bounty: Amount of XP to be granted to enemy players upon the unit’s destruction. From Knights of The Mediterranean AoE3DE DLC onwards, it can take a resourcetype attribute, allowing the assignment of rewards of different resources, besides XP.
- BuildBounty: Amount of XP to be granted upon unit training or building full construction. From The African Royals AoE3DE DLC onwards, it can take a resourcetype attribute, allowing the assignment of build rewards of different resources, besides XP.
<BuildBounty resourcetype='Wood'>7.0000</BuildBounty>
- SoundVariant: AoM leftover. Unused, liikely deprecated or rendered obsolete.
- BallisticSplashProto: AoM leftover. ProtoUnit for SFX to be rendered upon projectile colliding on water. Unused, and, most likely, rendered obsolete by impact effect data.
- BallisticBounceProto: Unused and deprecated.
- BallisticImpactProto: AoM leftover. ProtoUnit for SFX to be rendered upon projectile colliding against structures. Unused, and, most likely, rendered obsolete by impact effect data.
- GrantsPower: Unused and deprecated. Original purpose unknown.
- GrantsPowerDuration: Unused and deprecated. Original purpose unknown.
- ImpactType: ProtoUnit impact type. Used for impact effects rendering.
- PhysicsInfo: Path to protoUnit physics info files, relative to Data\physics.
- SelectionPriority: ProtoUnit selection priority value.
- AllowedAge: Minimum age required to build or train the unit.
- Armor: ProtoUnit Armor. Takes two parameters, type and value. From The African Royals AoE3DE onwards, protoUnits can have multiple functional Armor entries pointing to different damage types.
<Armor type='Ranged' value='0.7500'></Armor>
- SlotCount: Attribute intended to be used by the AirCraft system. Unused and not functional in AoE3.
- AutoGatherType: Resource type for auto resource tasking. Unused, but likely functional.
- PlacementBuffer: Additional avoidance radius to be used at building placement. Unused, but likely functional.
- AnimStateMachine: Path to protoUnit animation state machine file, relative to Data\animstatemachine
- ButtonPos: AoM leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- Train: Adds a unit to the protoUnit’s command panel. Takes three parameters: row, page, column. Despite being always set and processed by the game, the row parameter is effectively unused.
<Train row='0' page='0' column='3'>Skirmisher</Train>
From the original AoE3DE onwards, it can take a trShow attribute which, when set on a Train entry on the Trading Post, will force the unit to be shown in Trading Posts placed on Trade Routes.
<Train row='0' page='0' column='3' trshow='1'>deChasqui</Train>
- Tech: Adds a tech to the protoUnit’s command panel. Takes three parameters: row, page, column. Despite being always set and processed by the game, the row parameter is effectively unused.
<Tech row='0' page='2' column='1'>NatBowyery</Tech>
From the original AoE3DE onwards, it can take a natShow attribute which, when set on a
Tech entry on the Trading Post, will force the technology to be shown in Trading Posts placed on Native Settlements, regardless of the civilization.
<Tech row='0' page='1' column='3' natshow='1'>deMightyTambos</Tech>
- Command: Adds a ProtoUnitCommand to the protoUnit’s command panel. Takes two parameters: page, column.
<Command page='10' column='2'>SetGatherPointEconomy</Command>
- Contain: Allows the set unitType to be garrisoned within the unit. Can take the following parameters:
• external: If set to 1, contained units will be rendered outside containing building or unit.
• popException: If set to 1, contained units of the given type won’t have their population accounted for, while they are garrisoned. Available from original AoE3DE release onwards.
• popDiscount: Deducts set value from the population of garrisoned units of the given type. Available from original AoE3DE release onwards.
• inDelay: Delay time in seconds for garrisoning units of the given unit type. Available from Knights of the Mediterranean AoE3DE DLC onwards.
• outDelay: Delay time in seconds for ejecting units of the given unit type. Requires MeteredGarrison protoUnit flag to be set in container for proper functionality. Available from Knights of the Mediterranean AoE3DE DLC onwards.
- Tactics: Path to protoUnit tactics file, relative to Data\tactics.
● Definitive Edition
- SocketedMinimapIcon: Path to minimap icon texture to be used by building if it’s placed over a socket, relative to the Art folder.
- CivFlagOverride: Path to civilization flag texture, relative to the Art folder, to be used instead of the flag of the current civilization.
- LegacyHotkeyContext: Hotkey context to be used for Legacy hotkey keybinding. Should be set to a valid hotkey context.
- UnitHelpOverride: ProtoUnit of the help/history/compendium entry to be used, instead of the one of the current protoUnit.
- KnockoutTextID: String ID to be used for the knockout message.
- KnockoutRescueHitpointRatio: Minimum hitpoint ratio in which rescuing a
knocked-out unit by bringing friendly units to its vicinity is allowed. If it’s not set, default hardcoded values will be used, according to the civType.
- HoverTextOverride: String ID to be used when hovering over a foundation of this particular protoUnit. Uses default hardcoded formatted string, if not set.
- BuildTextOverride: String ID to be used for the notification text once the building is fully built. Uses default hardcoded formatted string, if not set.
- ContainedHitPointBonus: Defines how much each garrisoned unit contributes to its hit points. Applied linearly.
- PlacementObstructionRadiusX: Obstruction radius to be used while placing foundations in the X axis. Used by buildings with crops, whose placement is restricted by ObstructionAtLeastFromType conditions.
- PlacementObstructionRadiusZ: Obstruction radius to be used while placing foundations in the Z axis. Used by buildings with crops, whose placement is restricted by ObstructionAtLeastFromType conditions.
- FarmingRadiusX: Radius of the walkable area of a farm building in the X axis. Requires the UseFarmingAnims protoUnit flag to be set for proper functionality.
- FarmingRadiusZ: Radius of the walkable area of a farm building in the Z axis. Requires the UseFarmingAnims protoUnit flag to be set for proper functionality.
- FarmingNumStops: Number of different positions an unit can move to after finishing a gathering cycle in a farming building, including its current position. Can’t be set to a value lower than two. Requires the UseFarmingAnims protoUnit flag to be set for proper functionality. If it’s not set, it will default to the hardcoded value of 8.
- FarmingObstructionRadiusX: Obstruction radius in the X axis to be used by farming code. Doesn’t affect farm placement or building.
- FarmingObstructionRadiusZ: Obstruction radius in the Z axis to be used by farming code. Doesn’t affect farm placement or building.
- ChargeUsageTime: Amount of time in seconds in which the main Charged Action is usable, after it’s first triggered.
- AuxRechargeTime: Recharge time used by Secondary Charged Actions/Abilities.
- AuxChargeUsageTime: Amount of time in seconds in which the secondary Charged
Action is usable, after it’s first triggered.
- DodgeChance: Chance of dodging an attack. Defaults to a hardcoded value if not set. Requires protoUnit flag CanDodgeAttacks to be set for proper functionality.


DodgeMessageID: String ID of the floating text message to be used when successfully dodging an attack. Defaults to a hardcoded value if not set. Requires protoUnit flag CanDodgeAttacks to be set for proper functionality.
DodgeSoundSet: Soundset to be played when successfully dodging an attack. Defaults to a hardcoded value if not set. Requires protoUnit flag CanDodgeAttacks to be set for proper functionality.
- SharedBuildLimitUnit: ProtoUnit whose build limit value should be used for shared build limit. Requires protoUnit flag UseSharedBuildLimit to be set for proper functionality.
- SharedBuildLimitUnitTypes: Lists unit types or protoUnits which should be accounted for the shared build limit. Requires protoUnit flag UseSharedBuildLimit to be set for proper functionality.
- CommunityPlazaWeight: Defines how many workers this unit should count as when gathering at a Community Plaza or a building which uses gathering place logic.
- CommunityPlazaLimit: Defines how many instances of this particular unit can gather at the same time at a Community Plaza or a building which uses gathering place logic.
- ConversionResistance: Multiplies the conversion time for this unit by the given value.
- DisplayedRange: Overrides the displayed range value by the given value. Requires protoUnit flag DisplayRange to be set for proper functionality.
- ScalingAuraScale: Factor by which aura attachments will be scaled for this unit.
- AgeUpCostAbsoluteMultiplier: Multiplier to the value by which kill bounties obtained by this unit contribute to the age-up discount.
- ResourceReturn: Amount of resources to be given to the player in case the unit or building is destroyed. Resources aren’t given if the unit or building was deleted, unless if the ApplyResourceReturnIfDeleted protoUnit flag is set. Takes one parameter, resourcetype, which sets the resource type
<ResourceReturn resourcetype='Gold'>100.0000</ResourceReturn>
- ResourceReturnRate: Amount of resources to be given to the player, as a rate of the current cost of the unit, in case the unit or building is destroyed. Resources aren’t given if the unit or building was deleted, unless if the ApplyResourceReturnIfDeleted protoUnit flag is set. If the protoUnit flag ResourceReturnRateTotalCost is set, it will account for the total cost of the unit in resources.
<ResourceReturnRate resourcetype='Gold'>0.5000</ResourceReturnRate>
- GatherRateMultiplier: Rate by which the gather rate of an unit gathering from an instance of this protoUnit will be multiplied.
- SharedSelectionUnitTypes: List of unitTypes which will share double-selection with this unit.
- NotContain: Forbids the set unitType from being garrisoned within the unit.
- StealthDiscoveryRadius: Defines the minimum distance in which an enemy unit without the AbstractCanSeeStealth flag can cause this unit to be discovered when in Stealth mode.
- InitialTactic: Default tactic to be used by instances of the protoUnit upon creation.
- DeadTransform: ProtoUnit to which the current unit will be transformed to upon reaching zero hitpoints.
- TrainBatchSize: Defines the size of each unit training batch, overriding the default value of 5 units.
- UnitSellCommand: Defines the protoUnitCommand through which this unit can be sold, through the uiSellUnit console syscall.
- UnitSellRate: Defines the rate in which the unit cost will be exchanged upon the usage of the unit selling command for this unit. Set to 1.0 by default.
- BuildLimitIncrement: Additional build limit for protoUnit, which, for Native Settlement units, isn’t scaled with the Alliance Level or the number of Trading Posts for the protoUnit’s subCiv.
- SkinIcon: WPF path for unit icon for a given skin, relative to Data\wpfg. Takes one parameter, id, which denotes the ID of the skin for which the given icon will be used.
Only applies for Hero units which support custom skins.
- SkinPortrait: WPF path for unit portrait for a given skin, relative to Data\wpfg. Takes one parameter, id, which denotes the ID of the skin for which the given portrait will be used. Only applies for Hero units which support custom skins.
- FakeCard: Adds a non-HomeCity shipment to the protoUnit’s command panel. Takes three parameters: row, page, column. Despite being always set and processed by the game, the row parameter is effectively unused.
<FakeCard row='0' page='2' column='1'>DEBasilicaShipSpy1</FakeCard>
- PanelNameID: String ID for protoUnit displayed name in socket panel, if supported by the unit.
- PanelRolloverID: String ID for protoUnit displayed rollover text in socket panel, if supported by the unit.
- AIStanceBaseDistance: Base distance to be used for unit auto-attack reaction when its AI Stance is set to Defensive. Set to 30, by default.
ContainedRegenRate: Percentage-based regeneration rate for garrisoned units within the protoUnit. Only applies for buildings; overrides DefaultContainedRegenRate in base civilization data.
FreeBuildPoints: Total amount of time in seconds required to build protoUnit for free through a unit belonging to the AbstractFreeBuilder unit type (e.g. Italian Architect) when working at a 1.0 Work Rate over the Foundation.
- SocketBuildProtoUnit: ProtoUnit to be built as a socketed building over the current unit when a socketBuild command is applied.
- SocketBuildRate: Rate in which a socketBuild command will build the building referred through the SocketBuildProtoUnit attribute.
- Recharge: Recharge value used by the Primary Charged Actions/Abilities, which, unlike the RechargeTime attribute, can be tied to variables other than elapsed time. Takes two parameters, type and init, which are described as follows:
• type: Defines the variable to be taken in account for charging. Can be set to Time
(elapsed time, same behaviour as RechargeTime), Kills (number of kills), Damage (total amount of damage inflicted) or Attacks (number of hits inflicted by the unit.
• init: Should be set to 1 if Charged Ability is supposed to start charged and ready to use as soon as the unit is created, or 0, otherwise. Set to 1 by default.
- AuxRecharge: Recharge value used by the Secondary Charged Actions/Abilities, which, unlike the AuxRechargeTime attribute, can be tied to variables other than elapsed time. Takes the same parameters as Recharge.
- DeploymentCommand: ProtoUnit command used for deployment of units currently garrisoned and that effectively replaces the default Ungarrisson command. Requires DeploymentUngarrison protoUnit flag to be set for proper functionality.
- DetonationProtoAction: ProtoAction to be triggered for detonation upon death.
Requires DetonationDeath protoUnit flag to be set for proper functionality.
- DetonationCommand: ProtoUnit command which is supposed to initiate detonation process and effectively replaces the default deletion command. Requires DetonationDeath protoUnit flag to be set for proper functionality.
- DetonationHitpointThreshold: Hit point ratio which, when reached, causes protoUnitCommand set through the DetonationCommand attribute to be triggered, effectively initiating the detonation process.
- DetonationHitpointDecay: Rate in which unit hitpoints will decay after detonation hitpoint threshold is reached.
- RoundelTierCount: Number of rows of cannons to be taken in account for Roundel Attack actions.
- DisabledDuringNoRush: When set to 1, building won’t be constructible while Treaty period is active.
- VeterancyBonus: Defines bonuses to be applied to the unit upon reaching specific veterancy ranks. Bonuses for each rank are defined through VeterancyModify children notes, which take a modifyType attribute that should be set to a valid modify type. Requires ExperienceUnit protoUnit flag to be set for proper functionality.
<Rank id='0'>


<VeterancyModify modifyType='MaxHP'>1.15</VeterancyModify>
<VeterancyModify modifyType='ROF'>0.85</VeterancyModify>
<Rank id='1'>
<VeterancyModify modifyType='MaxHP'>1.30</VeterancyModify>
<VeterancyModify modifyType='ROF'>0.70</VeterancyModify>
<Rank id='2'>
<VeterancyModify modifyType='MaxHP'>1.45</VeterancyModify>
<VeterancyModify modifyType='ROF'>0.55</VeterancyModify>
● Legacy
- NoUnitAI: Self-explanatory.
- NotPlayerPlaceable: Causes the unit to not be directly placeable through the Editor
- StartEnabled: Unit starts enabled, without the necessity of being explicitly enabled by any technology.
- NotAlive: Self-explanatory.
- TieToWaterSurface: Self-explanatory.
- FlyingUnit: Self-explanatory.
- NoTieToGround: Self-explanatory.
- Collideable: Self-explanatory. Set by default.
- NonCollideable: Self-explanatory.
- Immoveable: Self-explanatory.
- NoHPBar: Self-explanatory.
- DieAtZeroHitpoints: Self-explanatory. Set by default.
- DoNotDieAtZeroHitpoints: Self-explanatory.
- DieAtZeroResources: Self-explanatory.
- DoNotDieAtZeroResources: Self-explanatory.
- ValidateResourceInventory: Forces the game to verify current unit resource inventory against the carry capacity for each resource, and adjust it accordingly. Set by default.
- DoNotValidateResourceInventory: Causes unit resource inventory to not be checked against the carry capacity for each resource.
- NoBloodOnDeath: Self-explanatory.
- BloodOnDeath: Self-explanatory. Set by default.
- DoesNotHaveGatherPoint: Self-explanatory. Set by default.
- HasGatherPoint: Self-explanatory.
- PlayerPlaceable: Set by default.
- NonSolid: Causes unit or building obstruction to not block units from passing through.
- Selectable: Self-explanatory. Set by default.
- NotSelectable: Self-explanatory.
FlattenGround: Self-explanatory.
FadeInOnCreation: Causes units to have a fade-in effect after being created. Unused, but seemingly functional.
ObscuresUnits: Self-explanatory.
ObscuredByUnits: Self-explanatory.
NotObscuredByUnitsAsFoundation: Self-explanatory.
- DoNotShowOnMinimap: Self-explanatory.
- NonAutoFormedUnit: Causes units to not adopt formations automatically.
- DontRotateObstruction: Causes actual obstruction to be rotated accordingly to be building orientation.
- DoNotCreateUnitGroupAutomatically: Causes unit to not automatically be added to a Squad once it’s instantiated.
- VisibleUnderFog: Self-explanatory.
- VisibleUnderFogIfGaia: Self-explanatory.
- AlphaFadeLifespan: If Lifespan is set for the protoUnit, causes the fade-out to begin as the lifespan time starts to be counted.
- Wanders: Causes units to wander. Used for herdables and huntables. Seems to only affect GAIA-owned units.
- CollidesWithProjectiles: Self-explanatory.
- Projectile: Self-explanatory.
- FadeInOnBuild: Causes buildings to have a fade-in effect after being fully built.
- NotSearchable: Causes the unit to not be accounted for internal visible unit lookups.
- UnlimitedSupply: Used for resource storages with unlimited supply of resources.
- FaceOutwards: Causes unit to be placed facing the lowest terrain point. Unused, but likely functional.
- SnapPlacement: Allows socketed buildings to properly snap into sockets during placement.
- SplitAtMaxInventory: Unused and deprecated.
- FadeOutDuringDeathAnimation: Causes fade out to start as the death animation begins.
- ForceToGaia: Self-explanatory.
- DoNotYawDuringMovement: Intended to cause units to not rotate/turn while moving. Unused, but likely functional.
- MarketAbility: Unused and deprecated.
- GivesLOSToAll: Self-explanatory.
- Doppled: Causes the unit to leave a doppelganger when under fog.
- NotDeleteable: Self-explanatory.
- GarrisonBonus: Unused and deprecated.
- GarrisonSpeedBonus: Unused and deprecated.
- DestroyProjectile: If set on a projectile protoUnit, causes it to be destroyed after reaching the target.
- OnlyInEditor: Self-explanatory.
- CannotAttackDisabledUnits: AoM Leftover. Unused and deprecated. - OrientUnitWithGround: Causes unit to orient itself with the ground.
AlwaysFullColorAsCursor: Determines whether or not we check obstructions and alter the color of this as a cursor item.
ConstrainOrientation: Enables orientation constraints for the code that orients a unit with the ground.
InitialGarrisonOnly: AoM leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- WallBuild: Self-explanatory.
- ShowGarrisonButton: Unused and deprecated.
- NotCommandable: Causes unit to not be able to take commands.
- KillOnAnimLoop: Causes unit to be killed on next animation loop.
- AlwaysCheckCollisions: Unused and deprecated. Original purpose unknown.
- AreaDamageConstant: Causes the area damage inflicted by the unit to not vary with distance from the original attack target position. Unused, but functional.
- NoIdleActions: Causes internal idle action to not be processed for this unit.
- NoProjectileDamage: Causes projectile unit to inflict no damage.
- PlaceAnywhere: Disables placement checks entirely.
- ProjectileTerrainOnly: Forbids projectile unit from colliding against units. Unused, but likely functional.
- PlayerOwnsObstruction: Used for Gate functionality.
- PlaceSocketWhenPlacing: Causes Socket protoUnit to be placed once the building is placed. Unused, but likely functional. Requires SocketUnitType to be set to a protoUnit, instead of an UnitType.
- AlwaysShowAsSocket: Causes socket unit to remain visible after it’s occupied.
- StartOnAnimationUpdate: Causes unit to be initialized with persistent updates (i.e. for unit AI or persistent actions) disabled, except for animation updating.
- StartOnNoUpdate: Causes unit to be initialized with persistent updates (i.e. for unit AI or persistent actions) disabled.
- DeadReplacementWhenDestroyed: When set, causes the dead replacement to be only placed when the unit is actually destroyed, and not right after death/killing is triggered.
- AnnounceConversion: AoM leftover. Causes a notification to be sent to all players when building is upgraded/transformed. Should be deemed deprecated, unless if upgrading/transforming, as used in AoM Settlements, can be performed over AoE3’s iteration of the BANG engine.
- SelectWithObstruction: If set, selection will also account for unit obstruction.
- ConvertOnStartBuild: AoM leftover. Causes building to be converted to player as soon as upgrading/transforming process starts.
- PlaceAsFoundation: Forces building to be not fully built on scenario load or when placed in the editor.
- ConvertToGaiaAtZeroHitpoints: AoM leftover. Returns object to Gaia control at zero hitpoints. Unused, but likely functional.
- MakeUnbuiltAtZeroHitpoints: Resets all construction progress when the unit hits zero hitpoints. Unused, but likely functional.
- ExcludeFromPlaytest: AoM leftover. Unused and deprecated.
SolidFoundation: Causes foundations to be solid and collideable at placement.


HideGarrisonFlag: Causes Garrison Flag to not show up over unit/building if it has garrisoned units. Unused, but functional.
DoppleOnlyWhenDead: If set, unit will only leave a doppelganger under fog when dead. Used for trees.
DirectProjectile: If set, launched projectiles fly direct in a straight line to their target. Unused, but likely functional.
- ForceBuildingData: If set, causes internal Building Data, containing attributes like Building Work Rate, to be initialized for the unit, even if it’s not a building.
- DecalStickToWaterSurface: If set, the decal will be computed using water vertices when over water.
- AllowAutoGarrison: Allows auto-garrisoning by right-clicking for garrisonable units.
- OverrideInitialGarrison: AoM leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- TownBellButton: Unused and deprecated.
- MeteredGarrison: Causes ungarrisoning/ejection to be done unit per unit, internally. Unused, but functional.
- RevealFoundation: AoM leftover. When set, causes this building's location to be revealed to all when first worked upon. Unused, but functional.
- ColorTransformNonGaia: When set, causes the minimap icon to use the player color when unit is converted from gaia
- ApplyHandicapTraining: Unused and deprecated.
- Tracked: Causes the unit to be accounted for by KB lookups.
- VisibleOwnerOnly: Makes the unit become only visible to owner and allies.
- HideFromHelp: AoM leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- HideResourceInventory: AoM leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- NotRotateable: Forbids object or building from being rotateable at placement.
- DestroyUnderBuilding: Causes the object to be deleted once a building foundation is placed over it.
- NotScalable: Unused and deprecated. Possibly a leftover of scaling feature.
- GodPowerExclusion: AoM leftover. Intended to prevent special powers/abilities from being targeted under the vicinity of the unit/building, akin to Isis monuments and Theia Hesperides Trees in AoM. Unused, but likely functional.
- Invulnerable: Self-explanatory.
- DeadReplaceOnlyOnTimeout: Limits dead replacement only to deaths due to lifespan expiring. Unused, but functional.
- SingleGatherer: AoM Leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- InvulnerableIfGaia: Self-explanatory.
- CorpseDecays: Determines if unit is supposed to get corpse decals when the it dies.
- HideHitpointsIfGaia: AoM Leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- FlareOnFullyBuilt: AoM leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- AnnounceFoundationStarted: AoM leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- VictoryBuilding: AoM leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- PaintTextureWhenPlacing: If set, forces the editor to paint down a suitable texture underneath if required.
- Burnable: AoM leftover. Unused and deprecated.
MutateDopples: AoM leftover. Causes fog of war doppelgangers to be updated, in case base unit got mutated to another unitType.
InvalidTownBellLocation: Prevents building from receiving units for garrison from Town Bell activation.
UseObstructionOnMinimap: AoM leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- UseAlignedObstructionOnMinimap: AoM leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- RenderAfterWater: Unused and deprecated.
- DontSortAlphaPolys: Unused and deprecated.
- DontMarkExtraFog: Causes unit to not mark additional fog (unveil nearby fogged units)
- VisibleUnderFogOnlyAfterSeen: If set, unit will become visible under the fog, if it had seen before by the player.
- RMCanRotate: Allows unit to be rotated by RM placement.
- KnockoutDeath: Enables hero death for unit.
- VariationLocked: Causes unit graphical variation to be set into unit data upon scenario save.
- ExperienceUnit: Causes kills of military units performed by this unit to be internally tracked by the unit’s dynamic data. Has no practical effect over the game or the UI for Legacy, but for Definitive edition, as of Knights of the Mediterranean DLC onwards, is required for the usage of the Veterancy system on units.
- FadeOutDecalOnDeath: Causes unit decal to fade out upon death.
- AnnounceDestruction: AoM leftover. Causes a notification to be sent to all players when destroyed. Unused, but likely functional.
- BattleMusicTrigger: AoM Leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- RotateInPlace: If set, allows units to rotate even if they are immovable
- AdjustPositionOnTerrainCollision: If set, this unit will stop moving at the point of impact, and move to the point of intersection.
- HeroName1: Causes unit to use randomly generated names, out of patterns defined in randomnames.xml. As of AoE3 original release onwards, HeroName1 and HeroName2 have the exact same functionality.
- HeroName2: Causes unit to use randomly generated names, out of patterns defined in randomnames.xml. As of AoE3 original release onwards, HeroName1 and HeroName2 have the exact same functionality.
- HideCostFromDetailHelp: AoM Leftover. Unused and deprecated.
- PreventsWallBuilding: Should be set true for buildings/objects that won't allow a wall nearby. Unused, but functional.
- ColonyBuilding: Unused and deprecated. Likely a leftover of the old Colony system.
- StartingColonyBuilding: Causes building to trigger starting units spawning upon first placement.
- ColonyPlacementCenter: Unused and deprecated. Likely a leftover of the old Colony system.
- ColonyPlacementL: Unused and deprecated. Likely a leftover of the old Colony system.
- CreateUniqueInstance: Causes every instance of this unit to use its own instance of protoUnit data. Used for Trading Post functionality.
TileAlignPlacement: If set, item snaps to tile aligned locations when placing.
Nugget: Self-explanatory.
- WorldToolTip: Causes persistent world tooltip to be displayed for the unit, while it’s alive. Persistent world tooltip will use WorldTooltipStringID for its text.
- OrientWithRiver: Causes unit to orient itself with river flow.
- TCBuildLimit: Causes unit to use shared TownCenter-Covered Wagon Build Limit.
- PerimeterGenerator: ProtoUnit flag intended to be used by the AirCraft system. Unused and not functional in AoE3.
- Airfield: ProtoUnit flag intended to be used by the AirCraft system. Unused and not functional in AoE3.
- Blocker: ProtoUnit flag intended to be used by the AirCraft system. Unused and not functional in AoE3.
- LockedSquad: Groups trained units within the same squad when block training. Unused, and likely only partially functional, since actual squad-locking isn’t supported by the game engine anymore.
- SelectOnTrain: Causes unit to be selected once it’s trained. Unused, but likely functional.
- PlaceAnywhereRules: Forces building to abide by placement rules, even if PlaceAnywhere protoUnit flag is set.
- ForcePopulationImpactWhenPlaced: Enforces population impact right when building foundation is placed
- CanAutoHeal: Specifies units that can auto-heal other units.
- ExcludeFromMoveAllMilitary: Self-explanatory.
- DoNotShowAutoGatherRate: If set, causes AutoGather action information to not be shown in the UI.
- CanTargetButTakesNoDamage: Self-explanatory.
- YPUsesExtraWorkerSlot: Causes units to take two worker/gatherer slots when working/gathering.
- YPForceTrainAtBaseTrainPoints: Forces units trained or maintained at this unit/building to use their base train points.
- AllowOverPopCap: Allows unit to be trained, if there’s at least one free population slot, regardless if player will go over population capacity afterwards.
- ShowTactics: Causes building tactics defined through protoUnitCommands to be displayed in the UI.
- EnterHotkeyContext: Allows building to have a proper hotkey context and, thus, accept hotkeys, even if it doesn’t train units.
- CivSpecificText: Allows this unit to properly use civilization-specific text in its tooltip, based on civ keys.
- AlwaysAllowOverPopCap: Forces unit to be trained, even if there are no free population slots.
- NeverCountDeathAsLoss: Causes unit’s death to not be counted as loss for stat tracking.
● Definitive Edition


CantBeSlowed: Forbids unit from being affected by snaring/TargetSpeedBoost.
- BuildingShowTactics: Causes building tactics defined through protoUnitCommands to be displayed in the UI.
- AllowTrainingOnWater: Allows unit to be trained from a non-land unit.
- GatherFromTrees: Allows non-AbstractVillager units to gather from trees properly.
- DrawnToCrates: Forces unit to auto-gather from nearby crates.
- DisplayRange: Causes unit range to be displayed as a decal upon selection. Rendered obsolete with recently implemented game options, which allow displaying range for all units/buildings.
- InvulnerableToAreaDamage: If set, this unit cannot receive any kind of damage from area attacks.
- DoNotDragSelectWithUnits: If set, this unit won't be selected with other UnitClass units when drag-selecting.
- TownDefenseUnit: Intended to denote short-duration levied units. Obsolete.
- DontTrainInBatches: Prevents batch training and forces train limit per action to 1.
- KillIfConverted: If set, unit is automatically killed after being successfully converted/captured.
- ShowUnitResourceActionRates: If set, current resource rates for UnitResource actions (i.e. Torp) are displayed in the UI.
- SettlerBuildLimit: If set, unit will share build limit with all units with the
LogicalTypeSettlerBuildLimit unittype set, and will use the build limit of that civilization’s Settler/Villager unit.
- UseSharedBuildLimit: If set, unit will use the generic shared build limit.
- InflictsNoDamage: If set, unit should not inflict any damage when attacking, regardless of protoAction attributes. Attacks performed by this unit will still raise warnings for enemies.
- DisplayDecoyInfo: If set, displays fake unit info (portrait and rollovers) to enemies.
- CanDodgeAttacks: Enables dodging behaviour for non-Japanese Monk units.
- NextResearchIsFree: Forces the immediate next research to be added to the queue in a building to be free.
- DisableBigButtonUI: If set, no UI slots will be reserved for big button, if building belongs to a native civ (civType 1).
- UnitTransformFree: If set, transforming to this unit won't cost any resources.
- UseFarmingAnims: If set, units will move around the gather site while gathering from it, akin to Mills and Farms.
- BuiltWithSeedingAnim: If set, forces units to use farming animations when constructing the building.
- RangeDisplayedAsSquare: If set, range is displayed as a square decal.
- AllowSocketPlacement: Indicates units that behave like sockets, while not being of AbstractSocket type.
- OptionalSocketPlacement: If set, a socket-able building will still be buildable outside a socket.
- ForceInfluenceRate: If set, resources won't be gathered if no valid influence rate is set. AllowPlacementOnIce: If set, allows a building to be placed over Ice terrain.
GatherableWhenSocketed: Intended for buildings which become gatherable when placed over a socket.
- DoNotQueue: If set, unit won't obey building queue when trained.
- MagnetDoesNotLockUnits: If set, magnet building won't make herdables/huntables unattackable.
- UseTacticArmorOverride: If set, unit will check for armor overrides in tactic data.
- ResourceReturnRateTotalCost: If set, return resource rate will be calcualated over the total cost, instead of per resource.
- ForceBatchTrain: If set, MultipleBlockTrain units/Banner Armies will be forced to use batch training
- UISkipActiveTechs: If set, command panel won't 'reserve' slots for active techs.
- ApplyResourceReturnIfDeleted: If set, resource return will be applied even if the unit was deleted by the player.
- AlliesIgnoreInfluenceRate: If set, allied players gathering from this unit will ignore any checks for Influence Rate.
- GatherableByAllies: If set, allows non-standard resource buildings to be gathered by allies.
- ShowAutoGatherAbsoluteInfo: If set, unit UI will display the units/buildings which are improving its autogather rate, using the AutoGatherAbsolute modifyType.
- DoTacticToSameUnitType: If set, changing tactic for this unit will cause the change to be propagated to all instances of the same unit, akin to Japanese Shrine behaviour.
- DoNotDeleteDeadHuntOnPlacement: If set, building will be forced to not remove dead hunt within its area when placed.
- CannotSnare: If set, unit won’t be able to cause enemy units to become slower temporarily (that is, ‘snaring’ them) through attack actions with the TargetSpeedBoost protoAction flag set.
- BaseSpeedRunAnim: If set, the base protoUnit speed will be used as a reference for the jog/run animation switch handling, allowing technology and protoPower GeneralEffect upgrades affecting the unit speed to cause it to use jog/run animations when moving, depending on the resulting unit speed value.
- HCEconomicGatherPointOnly: If set, unit won't be able to be selected as the Home City arrival point for military shipments.
- DeadTransformBuildLimit: If set, when a unit transform is triggered upon unit death, through the DeadTransform protoUnit attribute, build limit will be checked for the target unit.
- ForceGatherSiteResource: If set, the game will always use the gather site inventory resource ID for gathering, set through ModifyGather unit actions, without checking the protoUnit main resource or the unit inventory itself.
- UseStaticFarmingAnims: If set, units will gather from this gather site at predefined spots, defined as bones within the building model. This behaviour is the same as the one used in the Native Farm and in the Asian Rice Paddy, in legacy AoE3, and in the Mexican Hacienda, in the AoE3DE Mexican Civilization release.
UseDanceActions: If set, allows the unit to use DanceBonus protoActions, include rate escalation behaviour with gatherers, even if it's not of Community Plaza type (AbstractCommunityPlaza).
- GatherGarrisonToggle: If set, allows building to toggle between gathering and garrisonning mode.
- HerdablesIgnoreGatherPoint: If set, herdables created/spawned from the unit will ignore gather point data.
- FreeRepair: If set, repairing this unit costs no resources.
- CountHerdableAsGatherer: If set, herdables gathering at this unit will be count as gatherers by the game KB.
- GatherersContributeToResourceRate: If set, the total resource rate of gatherers with be added into the displayed auto-gather rate at the building for a protoAction with the flag AddGathererContribution.
- AllowGatheringWhenFull: If set, full invetory checks will be disabled when gathering from this unit, allowing herdables to gather from this unit, even if their current resource inventory is full.
- ShowAreaHealRate: If set, healing aura rate will be displayed on the UI, just as targeted healing rate is.
- ForceFullTechUpdate: If set, the updating of all player tech nodes and tech prerequisite states will be enforced once the unit is initialized, to update technology prerequisites dependent on unit count.
- UseAnimalsLabel: If set, the label for the gatherers listing in the stat panel will use the 'Animals' string.
- DanceActionNoWorkers: If set, allows DanceBonus protoActions to function properly for the given protoUnit at base rates, without accounting for or requiring workers at the building. Resulting behavior will be similar to Dojos, Confuncian Academies and similar buildings from AoE3:TAD.
- ChargeMoveAnim: If set, unit will be allowed to use custom animations when moving to perform a charged action.
- SocketFreeBuilding: If set, issuing a valid SocketBuild command over this unit won't deduct building cost from the player's stockpile.
- CannotAttackIfGaia: If set, unit won't be able to attack when belonging to GAIA.
- ApplyFlagOverrideIfGaia: If set, civilization flag override, if available, will only be applied if unit belongs to GAIA.
- ForceFullTechUpdateTeam: If set, the updating of all player tech nodes for the entire team will be enforced once the unit is initialized, to update unit count dependant tech prereqs.
- InvestmentBuilding: If set, resource investment data will be displayed in the building's UI.
- FakeConversion: If set, placing or converting the unit to a player won’t change actual ownership of the unit, but will still set the given player as the owner for resource production through AutoGather protoActions.
AllowRebuildInGrouping: If set, when placed in a RM grouping instance, unit position and orientation will be saved, allowing it to be re-built through the usage of the proper trigger effects.
- ForceUpdateVisualWhenCnverted: If set, full unit visual update will be enforced upon conversion.
- DisplaySocketPanel: If set, socket panel will be displayed when unit is owned by GAIA.
- TeamKillBounty: If set, kill bounties granted by destroying this unit will benefit the entire team.
- MinimapDisplayOnTop: If set, this unit's minimap icon will always be forced to be displayed on top of all other units within its vicinity.
- NotRepairable: Prevents this building from being repaired when set.
- KillSocketWhenDestroyed: If set, unit socket will be removed upon destruction.
- TeamBuildLimit: If set, build limit logic will account for unit count throughout all team players.
- IgnoreDefaultEjectTimeout: If set, unit ejection action won't check, internally, for the default unitAI eject delay, if MeteredGarrison protoUnit flag is set.
- DoNotQueueEjectActions: If set, alongside with the MeteredGarrison protoUnit flag, allows multiple units to be ejected at the same time, even if they have ejection delays set.
- SharedGarrison: If set, garrisoned units will be shared throughout all other instances of the current protoUnit, and of other protoUnits which have this flag set.
- DisplayMinimumRange: If set, range decal will be based on the minimum attack range of the unit, rather than the maximum range.
- DoNotAllowAllowAlliedGarrison: If set, allies won’t be able to garrison within this unit.
- DetonationDeath: If set, unit will trigger a predefined protoAction upon death, damaging all units around it.
- BuildingExtendedDeathAnim: If set, building will use the same handling for death animations used by units.
- EnforceBigButtonUI: If set, sots will be reserved for a Native-style BigButton, regardless of the current civ type.
- DeploymentUngarrison: If set, units won't be able to be ungarrisoned manually, but only through a previously-set deployment ability/command.
- ForceDisplaySquadModes: If set, squadmodes/tactics will be displayed for this unit, even if it's not of Military type.
- HideIfSocketedFoundationUntouched: If set, socket will be hidden, if building placed upon it is currently an untouched foundation.
- DisplayMaxRangeOnSelection: Defaults to false. If set, in case unit is set to display minimum range on hovering, maximum range will be displayed upon selection.
- DisplayRangeToEnemies: Defaults to false. If set, range decal will be rendered for this unit, according to game settings, regardless of unit ownership.
- ChargeIdleAnim: If set, once either the primary or secondary charged abilities of the unit are ready to be used, unit idle and bored animations will be replaced by the ones set within the protoAction of the charged ability, if valid. When set alongside with


ChargeMoveAnim, walking and running anims will also be replaced, regardless of the current target of the unit.
- DoNotDamageTrees: When set, TruckAttack protoActions assigned to the unit will not damage trees.
- TacticArmorUseBaseIfNotSet: If set, alongside with UseTacticArmorOverride, unit will use base armor values, if tactic armor overrides for the current tactic are set to 0.
- TransformPropagateChargeState: If set, propagates charged action state when transforming unit through DelayedTransform protoActions or TransformUnit tech effects.
- HerdableForceOriginalResource: If set, the original resource carried by a herdable unit will never be cleared out when gathering from any resource object.

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こはね发表于 2024-4-14 23:54:36

- RestrictToIdleUnits: Restricts an AutoRangedModify action to only affect units that arecurrently idle.
