[(bool )] kbAddAttackRouteIgnoreID( int ignoreAreaID ): ignore this area when finding the route.
[(bool )] kbAddAttackRouteIgnoreType( int ignoreAreaTypeID ): ignore this areatype when finding the route.
[(bool )] kbAddAttackRouteSector( int sector ): add a new sector to path to.
[(void )] kbAreaCalculate(): Creates areas and area groups. DO THIS BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE IN YOUR SCRIPT.
[(int )] kbAreaFindBestGatherAreaID( int unitTypeID ): Returns the Area ID of the best area to gather the given unit type.
[(int )] kbAreaGetBorderAreaID( int areaID, long index ): Returns the Area ID of the index-th border area in the given area.
[(vector)] kbAreaGetCenter( int areaID ): Returns the center of the given area.
[(int )] kbAreaGetClosetArea( vector position, int areaType, int areaType1, float minDistance ): Returns the Area ID of the closest area, of the given types, to given postion.
[(int )] kbAreaGetIDByPosition( vector position ): Returns the ID of the given area.
[(int )] kbAreaGetNumber( void ): Returns the number of areas.
[(int )] kbAreaGetNumberBlackTiles( int areaID ): Returns the number of black tiles in the given area.
[(int )] kbAreaGetNumberBorderAreas( int areaID ): Returns the number of border areas for the given area.
[(int )] kbAreaGetNumberFogTiles( int areaID ): Returns the number of fog tiles in the given area.
[(int )] kbAreaGetNumberTiles( int areaID ): Returns the number of tiles in the given area.
[(int )] kbAreaGetNumberUnits( int areaID ): Returns the number of units in the given area.
[(int )] kbAreaGetNumberVisibleTiles( int areaID ): Returns the number of visible tiles in the given area.
[(int )] kbAreaGetType( int areaID ): Returns the Type of area.
[(int )] kbAreaGetUnitID( int areaID, long index ): Returns the Unit ID of the index-th unit in the given area.
[(int )] kbAreaGetVisibilityChangeTime( int areaID ): Returns the gametime of the last visibility change for the given area.
[(int )] kbAreaGetVPSiteID(int areaID): returns an area's VP site ID (-1 if an area doesn't have a VP site).
[(vector)] kbAreaGroupGetCenter( int groupID ): Returns the center of the given areaGroup.
[(int )] kbAreaGroupGetIDByPosition( vector position ): Returns the ID of the given area group.
[(bool )] kbAttackRouteAddPath( int attackRouteID, int pathID): Rreturns true if path was added to attack route.
[(bool )] kbBaseAddUnit( int playerID, int baseID, int unitID ): Adds the given unit to the base.
[(int )] kbBaseCreate( int playerID, string name, vector position, float distance ): Creates a base.
[(bool )] kbBaseDestroy( int playerID, int baseID ): Destroys the given base.
[(void )] kbBaseDestroyAll( int playerID ): Destroys all of the bases for the given player.
[(int )] kbBaseFindCreateResourceBase( int resourceType, int resourceSubType, int parentBaseID ): Finds/Creates a resource base.
[(int )] kbBaseFindForwardMilitaryBase( int enemyPlayerID, int enemyBaseID ): Finds/Creates a 'forward' military base against the given enemy base.
[(bool )] kbBaseGetActive( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the active flag of the base.
[(vector)] kbBaseGetBackVector( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the back vector of the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseGetEconomy( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the economy flag of the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseGetForward( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the forward flag of the base.
[(vector)] kbBaseGetFrontVector( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the front vector of the base.
[(int )] kbBaseGetIDByIndex( int playerID, int index ): Returns the BaseID for the given base.
[(vector)] kbBaseGetLastKnownDamageLocation( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the last known damage location of the base.
[(vector)] kbBaseGetLocation( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the location of the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseGetMain( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the main flag of the base.
[(int )] kbBaseGetMainID( int playerID ): Gets the main base ID for the player.
[(float )] kbBaseGetMaximumResourceDistance( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the maximum resource distance of the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseGetMilitary( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the military flag of the base.
[(vector)] kbBaseGetMilitaryGatherPoint( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the military gather point of the base.
[(int )] kbBaseGetNextID( void ): Returns the ID of the next base that will be created.
[(int )] kbBaseGetNumber( int playerID ): Returns the number of bases for the given player.
[(int )] kbBaseGetNumberUnits( int playerID, int baseID, int relation, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of units that match the criteria.
[(int )] kbBaseGetOwner( int baseID ): Returns the player ID of the specified base's owner.
[(bool )] kbBaseGetSettlement( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the settlement flag of the base.
[(int )] kbBaseGetTimeUnderAttack( int playerID, int baseID ): Returns the number of continuous seconds the base has been under attack.
[(bool )] kbBaseGetUnderAttack( int playerID, int baseID ): Gets the under attack flag of the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseRemoveUnit( int playerID, int baseID, int unitID ): Removes the given unit to the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseSetActive( int playerID, int baseID, bool active ): Sets the active flag of the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseSetEconomy( int playerID, int baseID, bool Economy ): Sets the economy flag of the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseSetForward( int playerID, int baseID, bool forward ): Sets the forward flag of the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseSetFrontVector( int playerID, int baseID, vector frontVector ): Sets the front (and back) of the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseSetMain( int playerID, int baseID, bool main ): Sets the main flag of the base.
[(void )] kbBaseSetMaximumResourceDistance( int playerID, int baseID, float distance ): Sets the maximum resource distance of the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseSetMilitary( int playerID, int baseID, bool military ): Sets the military flag of the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseSetMilitaryGatherPoint( int playerID, int baseID, vector gatherPoint ): Sets the military gather point of the base.
[(bool )] kbBaseSetSettlement( int playerID, int baseID, bool settlement ): Sets the settlement flag of the base.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementAddAreaGroupID( int areaGroupID ): Adds the AreaGroup ID to the current BP.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementAddAreaID( int areaID, int numberBorderAreaLayers, bool addCenterInfluence ): Adds the Area ID to the current BP (with the given number of border area layers), addCenterInfluence - adds a positional influence from the area center.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementAddPositionInfluence( vector position, float value, float distance ): Adds the position influence for the current building placement.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementAddUnitInfluence( int typeID, float value, float distance, long kbResourceID ): Adds the unit influence for the current building placement.
[(int )] kbBuildingPlacementCreate( string name ): Creates a building placement; returns the ID.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementDestroy( int id ): Destroys the given building placement.
[(vector)] kbBuildingPlacementGetResultPosition( int bpID ): Returns the vector result position for given BP ID.
[(float )] kbBuildingPlacementGetResultValue( int bpID ): Returns the result value for given BP ID.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementResetResults( void ): Resets the current building placement.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementSelect( int id ): Selects the given building placement.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementSetBaseID( int baseID, int locationPref ): Sets the base ID and location preference for the current building placement.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementSetBuildingType( int buildingTypeID ): Sets the building type for the current building placement.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementSetCenterPosition( vector position, float distance, float obstructionRadius ): Sets up center position-based BP.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementSetEventHandler( int eventType, string handlerName ): Sets event handler function for the current BP and event.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementSetMinimumValue( float minimumValue ): Sets the minimum acceptable value for evaluated spots in the BP.
[(bool )] kbBuildingPlacementStart( void ): Starts the placement of current building.
[(bool )] kbCanAffordTech( int techID, int escrowID ): Returns true if the player can afford the tech.
[(bool )] kbCanAffordUnit( int protoUnitTypeID, int escrowID ): Returns true if the player can afford the proto unit.
[(bool )] kbCanPath2( vector pointA, vector pointB, long protoUnitTypeID, float range ): Returns true if the given unit type can path from pointA to pointB.
[(bool )] kbCanSimPath( vector pointA, vector pointB, long protoUnitTypeID, float range ): Returns true if the given unit type can path from pointA to pointB.
[(int )] kbCreateAttackRoute( string name, int startAreaID, int goalAreaID, int numInitialRoutes): Returns the Route ID if successful.
[(int )] kbCreateAttackRouteWithPath( string name, vector startPt, vector endPt): Returns the Route ID if successful.
[(int )] kbCreateTechProgression( string techName, string name ): Creates a tech progression of the given name.
[(int )] kbCreateUnitProgression( string unitName, string name ): Creates a unit progression of the given name.
[(bool )] kbDestroyAttackRoute( int routeID ): Returns true if the route was deleted.
[(void )] kbDump( int player1, int player2 ): KB dump for player2's units from player1's perspective.
[(void )] kbDumpType( int player1, int player2, string typeName ): KB dump for player2's units of the given type from player1's perspective.
[(void )] kbDumpVPSiteInfo(): blogs out info about all VP sites.
[(bool )] kbEscrowAllocateCurrentResources( void ): Reallocates the current resource stockpile into the escrows.
[(int )] kbEscrowCreate( string name, int resourceID, float percentage, int parentID ): Creates an escrow.
[(bool )] kbEscrowDestroy( int escrowID, bool promoteChildren ): Destroys an escrow.
[(bool )] kbEscrowFlush( int escrowID, int resourceID, bool flushChildren ): Removes all credits (and puts them into the root escrow) of the given resource type from the given escrow.
[(float )] kbEscrowGetAmount( int escrowID, int resourceID ): Returns the amount of credits in the given escrow for the given resource.
[(int )] kbEscrowGetID( string name ): Returns the ID of the named escrow.
[(float )] kbEscrowGetPercentage( int escrowID, int resourceID ): Returns the percentage of the escrow.
[(bool )] kbEscrowSetCap( int escrowID, int resourceID, float cap ): Sets the cap of the escrow.
[(bool )] kbEscrowSetPercentage( int escrowID, int resourceID, float percentage ): Sets the percentage of the escrow.
[(int )] kbFindAreaGroup( int groupType, float surfaceAreaRatio, int compareAreaID) : returns the visible area group that matches the given criteria.
[(int )] kbFindAreaGroupByLocation( int groupType, float relativeX, float relativeZ ) : returns the visible area group that matches the given criteria.
[(int )] kbFindBestBuildingToRepair(vector position, float distance, float healthRatio, int repairUnderAttackUnitTypeID) : returns the id of the best building to repair.
[(long )] kbFindClosestBase( long playerRelation, vector location ): gets the nearest base of player relation from the location.
[(int )] kbGetAge( void ): Returns the current age for the current player.
[(int )] kbGetAgeForPlayer( int id ): Returns the current age for the player specified.
[(float )] kbGetAICostWeight( int resourceID ): Returns the AI cost weight for the given resource.
[(float )] kbGetAmountValidResources( int baseID, int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, float distance ): Returns the resource amount of valid KB resources for the resource types.
[(int )] kbGetAttackRouteID( long startAreaID, long goalAreaID): Returns the id of the routes from area1 to area2.
[(bool )] kbGetAutoBaseCreate( void ): Returns the auto base creation value.
[(float )] kbGetAutoBaseCreateDistance( void ): Returns the auto base creation distance.
[(bool )] kbGetAutoBaseDetect( void ): Returns the auto base detection value.
[(float )] kbGetAutoBaseDetectDistance( void ): Returns the auto base creation distance.
[(int )] kbGetBlockID( string blockName ): Returns the UnitID of the cinematic block.
[(vector)] kbGetBlockPosition( string blockName ): Returns the position of the cinematic block.
[(int )] kbGetBuildLimit(int player, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of the unit type you are allowed to have (ONLY WORKS ON BASE UNIT TYPES); returns -1 if there is no limit.
[(int )] kbGetCiv( void ): Returns the civilization for the player.
[(int )] kbGetCivForPlayer( int playerID ): Returns the civ for the given player.
[(string)] kbGetCivName( int civID ): Returns the civ name for the given civ.
[(float )] kbGetCombatEfficiency( int playerID1, int unitTypeID1, int playerID2, int unitTypeID2 ): Returns the combat efficiency of the comparison (in terms of playerID1's units).
[(int )] kbGetCulture( void ): Returns the culture for the player.
[(int )] kbGetCultureForPlayer( int playerID ): Returns the culture for the given player.
[(string)] kbGetCultureName( int cultureID ): Returns the culture name for the given culture.
[(long )] kbGetHCLevel( int playerID ): Returns the current HomeCity Level of the given player.
[(vector)] kbGetMapCenter( void ): Returns the center vector of the map.
[(float )] kbGetMapXSize( void ): Returns the X size of the map.
[(float )] kbGetMapZSize( void ): Returns the Z size of the map.
[(int )] kbGetNumAttackRoutes( long startAreaID, long goalAreaID): Returns num paths from start to goal area.
[(int )] kbGetNumberMutualAllies( void ): Returns the number of mutual allies.
[(int )] kbGetNumberValidResources( int baseID, int resourceTypeID, int resourceSubTypeID, float distance ): Returns the number of valid KB resources for the resource types.
[(int )] kbGetNumberValidResourcesByPlan( int planID, int baseID ): Returns the number of valid KB resources for the given plan/base.
[(float )] kbGetPlayerHandicap( int playerID ): Returns the player's handicap multiplier (ie., 1.0 = no handicap).
[(string)] kbGetPlayerName( <playerID> ): Returns the player's name.
[(int )] kbGetPlayerTeam( <playerID> ): Returns the player's team number.
[(int )] kbGetPop( void ): Returns the current population for the player.
[(int )] kbGetPopCap( void ): Returns the current population cap for the player.
[(int )] kbGetPopCapAddition(int player, int unitTypeID ): Returns amount of pop cap addition provided by the given unit type (ONLY WORKS ON BASE UNIT TYPES).
[(int )] kbGetPopSlots(int player, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of pop slots this unit takes (ONLY WORKS ON BASE UNIT TYPES).
[(int )] kbGetPopulationSlotsByQueryID( int queryID ): Returns the number of pop slots currently occupied by the results in the given query.
[(int )] kbGetPopulationSlotsByUnitTypeID( int playerID, int unitTypeID ): Returns the number of pop slots currently occupied by this unit type.
[(float )] kbGetProtoUnitAICost( int protoUnitTypeID ): Returns the AI cost for the given protoUnit type ID.
[(int )] kbGetProtoUnitID( string name ): Returns the ID of the protounit.
[(string)] kbGetProtoUnitName( int protoUnitTypeID ): Returns the name of the protounit ID.
[(int )] kbGetRandomEnabledPUID( int unitTypeID, int escrowID ): Returns a random, valid PUID that's of the given type.
[(float )] kbGetResourceIncome( int resourceID, float seconds, bool relative ): Returns the resource income over the last X seconds.
[(float )] kbGetTargetSelectorFactor(int type) : gets the TargetSelector Factor value.
[(float )] kbGetTechAICost( int techID ): Returns the AI cost for the given tech ID.
[(string)] kbGetTechName( int techID ): Returns the name of the tech ID.
[(float )] kbGetTechPercentComplete( int techID ): Returns the percent complete for the the requested tech of the current player.
[(int )] kbGetTownAreaID( void ): Returns the area ID of the main town.
[(vector)] kbGetTownLocation( void ): Returns the location of the main town.
[(int )] kbGetUnitBaseTypeID( int unitID ): Returns the base type ID of the unit.
[(string)] kbGetUnitTypeName( int unitTypeID ): Returns the name of the unit type.
[(int )] kbGetVPGeneratorByScoreType(int siteType): returns the protounit ID for the VP generator that corresponds to this type of VP site.
[(bool )] kbHasPlayerLost( <playerID> ): Returns the player's lost status.
[(bool )] kbIsGameOver(): Returns whether the game is over or not.
[(bool )] kbIsPlayerAlly( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is an ally.
[(bool )] kbIsPlayerEnemy( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is an enemy.
[(bool )] kbIsPlayerHuman( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is a a human player.
[(bool )] kbIsPlayerMutualAlly( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is a mutual ally.
[(bool )] kbIsPlayerNeutral( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is a neutral player.
[(bool )] kbIsPlayerResigned( <playerID> ): Returns the player's resigned status.
[(bool )] kbIsPlayerValid( int playerID ): Returns true if the given player is a valid player (i.e. it exists in the game).
[(bool )] kbLocationVisible( vector location ): Returns true if the location is currently visible to the player.
[(void )] kbLookAtAllUnitsOnMap( void ): Cheats and looks at all of the units on the map. This will format your harddrive if you're not authorized to use it.
[(bool )] kbMakeAttackRoutes(): find all the paths to the sector specified.
[(float )] kbMaximumResourceGet( int resourceID ): Returns the maximum amount of the given resource you can have.
[(bool )] kbPathAddWaypoint( int pathID, vector waypoint ): Adds the waypoint to the given path.
[(int )] kbPathCreate( string name ): Creates a path with the given name.
[(bool )] kbPathDestroy( int pathID ): Destroys the given path.
[(int )] kbPathGetIDByIndex( long index ): Returns the index-th path ID.
[(float )] kbPathGetLength( int pathID ): Returns the length of the given path.
[(string)] kbPathGetName( int pathID ): Returns the name of the given path.
[(int )] kbPathGetNumber( void ): Returns the number of paths.
[(int )] kbPathGetNumberWaypoints( int pathID ): Returns the number of waypoints in the given path.
[(vector)] kbPathGetWaypoint( int pathID, long waypointNumber ): Returns the appropriate waypoint from the given path.
[(float )] kbProgessionGetTotalResourceCost( int progressionID, int resourceID ): Returns the total cost of the given resource for this progressionID. A resourceID of -1 will return the total Cost.
[(int )] kbProgressionGetNodeData( int progressionID, int nodeIndex ): Returns the data at nodeIndex, either UnitID or TechID, depending on the type.
[(int )] kbProgressionGetNodeType( int progressionID, int nodeIndex ): Returns the type of node at the given index, either Unit type or Tech type.
[(int )] kbProgressionGetTotalNodes( int progressionID ): Returns the total number of steps to complete the progression.
[(bool )] kbProtoUnitAvailable( int protoUnitID ): Returns true if the protoUnit is currently available.
[(bool )] kbProtoUnitIsType( int playerID, int protoUnitID, int unitTypeID ): Returns true if the protounit is of the unitTypeID.
[(float )] kbResourceGet( int resourceID ): Returns the current amount of the given resource.
[(long )] kbResourceGetXP( int playerID ): Returns the current amount XP the given player has.
[(bool )] kbSetAICostWeight( int resourceID, float weight ): Sets the weight this resource type is given during AI cost calculuations.
[(void )] kbSetAutoBaseCreate( bool v ): Sets the auto base creation value.
[(void )] kbSetAutoBaseCreateDistance( float v ): Sets the auto base creation distance.
[(void )] kbSetAutoBaseDetect( bool v ): Sets the auto base detection value.
[(void )] kbSetAutoBaseDetectDistance( float v ): Sets the auto base creation distance.
[(void )] kbSetForwardBasePosition(vector position) set the explicit position that every forward base will use.
[(void )] kbSetPlayerHandicap( int playerID, float handicap ): Sets the indicated player's handicap multiplier (ie., 1.0 = no handicap).
[(int )] kbSetTargetSelectorFactor(int type, float val) : sets the TargetSelector Factor value.
[(bool )] kbSetTownLocation( vector location ): Sets the location of the main town.
[(bool )] kbSetupForResource( int baseID, int resourceID, float distance, float amount ): Returns true if amount of resource is within distance of a dropsite.
[(bool )] kbTargetSelectorAddQueryResults( int queryID ): Sets the list of potential targets to the results in the given query.
[(bool )] kbTargetSelectorAddUnitType( int protoUnitTypeID ): Add the UAIT for the given BASE unit type as a filter.
[(int )] kbTargetSelectorCreate( string name ): Creates a target selector; returns the ID.
[(bool )] kbTargetSelectorDestroy( int id ): Destroys the given target selector.
[(int )] kbTargetSelectorGetNumberResults( void ): Returns the number of results in the given target selector.
[(int )] kbTargetSelectorGetResultValue( int index ): Returns the result value for given index of the current target selector.
[(bool )] kbTargetSelectorResetResults( void ): Resets the current target selector.
[(bool )] kbTargetSelectorSelect( int id ): Selects the given target selector.
[(bool )] kbTargetSelectorStart( void ): Starts the current target selector.
[(float )] kbTechCostPerResource( int techID, int resourceID): returns the cost of the tech for the given resource.
[(int )] kbTechGetStatus( int techID ): Returns the current tech status for the current player of the requested tech.
[(void )] kbTechTreeDump( void ): Dumps the current state of the KBTT.
[(int )] kbTechTreeGetCheapestEconUpgrade( int resourceUnitTypeID ): gets cheapest researchable econ upgrade, optionally for specified resource unit type.
[(int )] kbTechTreeGetCheapestUnitUpgrade( int unitTypeID ): gets cheapest researchable unit upgrade, optionally for specified unit/unit line.
[(float )] kbTotalResourceGet( int resourceID ): Returns the total amount of the given resource gathered to this point in the game.
[(float )] kbUnitCostPerResource( int protoUnitID, int resourceID): returns the cost of the protounit for the given resource.
[(int )] kbUnitCount(int player, int unitTypeID, int stateID ): Returns a quick unit count of units for a player.
[(void )] kbUnitCountConsole(int playerID1, int playerID2, string unitType, string state(s) ): Returns a quick unit count of player2's units from player1's perspective.
[(int )] kbUnitGetActionType( int unitID ): Returns the actionTypeID of the unit.
[(int )] kbUnitGetAreaID( int unitID ): Returns the area ID for this unit ID.
[(int )] kbUnitGetArmyID( int unitID ): Returns the army ID for this unit ID.
[(int )] kbUnitGetBaseID( int unitID ): Returns the base ID for this unit ID.
[(float )] kbUnitGetCurrentAICost( int unitID ): Returns the current AI cost (worth) for this unit ID.
[(float )] kbUnitGetCurrentHitpoints( int unitID ): Returns the current hitpoints for this unit ID.
[(float )] kbUnitGetHealth( int unitID ): Returns the health for this unit ID.
[(float )] kbUnitGetMaximumAICost( int unitID ): Returns the maximum AI cost (worth) for this unit ID.
[(float )] kbUnitGetMaximumHitpoints( int unitID ): Returns the maximum hitpoints for this unit ID.
[(int )] kbUnitGetMovementType( int unitTypeID ): Returns the movementType for this unitTypeID.
[(int )] kbUnitGetNumberWorkers( int unitID ): Returns the number of units currently working on the given unit.
[(int )] kbUnitGetPlanID( int unitID ): Returns the plan ID for this unit ID.
[(int )] kbUnitGetPlayerID(int unitID ): Returns the player ID for this unit ID.
[(vector)] kbUnitGetPosition( int unitID ): Returns the position for this unit ID.
[(int )] kbUnitGetProtoUnitID( int unitID ): Returns the unit's protounit ID.
[(int )] kbUnitGetTargetUnitID( int unitID ): Returns the target unit ID of the given unit.
[(int )] kbUnitGetWorkerID( int unitID, int index ): Returns the index-th worker unit ID.
[(bool )] kbUnitIsType( int unitID, long unitTypeID ): Returns true if the unit is of the unitTypeID.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType( int upID, int typeID, float weight ) : Adds an enemy unit typeID to the unit pick combat efficiency calculation.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickAdjustPreferenceFactor( int upID, int unitTypeID, float baseFactorAdjustment ) : Adjusts the preferenceFactor for that unit type (uses 50.0 as the base if the UP doesn't exist yet).
[(int )] kbUnitPickCreate( string name ): Creates a unit pick.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickDestroy( int upID ): Destroys the given unit pick.
[(int )] kbUnitPickGetAttackUnitType( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick attack unit type.
[(int )] kbUnitPickGetDesiredNumberBuildings( int upID, int index ) : gets the unit pick desired number buildings for the index-th unit type.
[(int )] kbUnitPickGetDesiredNumberUnitTypes( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick desired number unit types.
[(int )] kbUnitPickGetGoalCombatEfficiencyType( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick attack unit type.
[(int )] kbUnitPickGetMaximumNumberUnits( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick maximum number units.
[(int )] kbUnitPickGetMaximumPop( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick maximum pop.
[(int )] kbUnitPickGetMinimumNumberUnits( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick minimum number units.
[(int )] kbUnitPickGetMinimumPop( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick minimum pop.
[(int )] kbUnitPickGetNumberResults( int upID ) : Returns the number of unit pick results.
[(float )] kbUnitPickGetPreferenceWeight( int upID ) : Gets the unit pick preference weight.
[(int )] kbUnitPickGetResult( int upID, int index ) : Returns the index-th ProtoUnitID.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickResetAll( int upID ) : Resets all of the unit pick data.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickResetCombatEfficiencyTypes( int upID ) : Resets the enemy unit typeIDs for the unit pick combat efficiency calculation.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickResetResults( int upID ) : Resets the unit pick results.
[(int )] kbUnitPickRun( int upID ) : Runs the unit pick.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetAttackUnitType( int upID, int type ) : Sets the unit pick attack unit type.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetCombatEfficiencyWeight( int upID ) : Sets the unit pick combat efficiency weight.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetCostWeight( int upID ) : Sets the unit pick cost weight.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetDesiredNumberBuildings( int upID, int index, int numberBuildings ) : Sets the unit pick desired number buildings for the index-th unit type.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetDesiredNumberUnitTypes( int upID, int number, int numberBuildings, bool degradeNumberBuildings ) : Sets the unit pick desired number unit types.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetEnemyPlayerID( int upID, int playerID ) : Sets the unit pick enemy player ID.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetGoalCombatEfficiencyType( int upID, int type ) : Sets the unit pick attack unit type.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetMaximumNumberUnits( int upID, int number ) : Sets the unit pick desired number unit types.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetMaximumPop( int upID, int number ) : Sets the unit pick desired max pop.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetMinimumNumberUnits( int upID, int number ) : Sets the unit pick desired number unit types.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetMinimumPop( int upID, int number ) : Sets the unit pick desired min pop.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetMovementType( int upID, int movementType ) : Sets the unit pick movement type.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor( int upID, int unitTypeID, float preferenceFactor ) : Sets the preferenceFactor for that unit type.
[(bool )] kbUnitPickSetPreferenceWeight( int upID, float v ) : Sets the unit pick preference weight.
[(int )] kbUnitQueryCreate( string name ): Creates a unit query, returns the query ID.
[(bool )] kbUnitQueryDestroy( long queryID ): Destroys the given unit query.
[(int )] kbUnitQueryExecute( long queryID ): Executes the current query; returns number of results.
[(int )] kbUnitQueryExecuteOnQuery( long currentQueryID, int previousQueryID ): Executes the current query on the previous query's results; returns the new number of results.
[(int )] kbUnitQueryExecuteOnQueryByName( long currentQueryID, string previousQueryName ): Executes the current query on the previous query's results; returns the new number of results.
[(int )] kbUnitQueryGetResult( long queryID, int index ): Returns the UnitID of the index-th result in the current query.
[(float )] kbUnitQueryGetUnitCost(int queryID, bool considerHealth): gets total aiCost of query's units, weighted for HP if requested.
[(float )] kbUnitQueryGetUnitHitpoints(int queryID, bool considerHealth): gets HP of query's units, using current HP if requested.
[(int )] kbUnitQueryNumberResults( long queryID ): Returns the number of results in the current query.
[(bool )] kbUnitQueryResetData( long queryID ): Resets the given unit query data AND results.
[(bool )] kbUnitQueryResetResults( long queryID ): Resets the given unit query results.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetActionType( long queryID, int actionTypeID ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetAreaGroupID( long queryID, int areaGroupID ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetAreaID( long queryID, int areaID ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetArmyID( long queryID, int armyID ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetAscendingSort( long queryID, bool v ): If parm is true, results are sorted in ascending distance order from the query position.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetBaseID( long queryID, int baseID ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits( long queryID, bool v ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance( long queryID, float distance ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetPlayerID( long queryID, int playerID, bool resetQueryData ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation( long queryID, int playerRelation ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetPosition( long queryID, vector v ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetSeeableOnly( long queryID, bool seeableOnly ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetState( long queryID, int state ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitQuerySetUnitType( long queryID, int unitTypeID ): Sets query data.
[(bool )] kbUnitVisible( int unitID ): Returns true if the unit is currently visible to the player.
[(int )] kbVPSiteGetLocation(int siteID): returns the specified VP site's world location.
[(int )] kbVPSiteGetOwnerPlayerID(int siteID): returns the specified VP site's owning player.
[(int )] kbVPSiteGetState(int siteID): returns the specified VP site's state.
[(int )] kbVPSiteGetType(int siteID): returns the specified VP site's type (e.g., native, trade, etc).
[(int )] kbVPSiteQuery(int scoreType, int playerRelationOrID, int siteState): returns ID for an array containing VP site IDs that match the specified parameters.
本命令由外挂研究中心-孑影孓导出。 |